It’s pouring rain and you do not have a fenced in yard… what do you do? Let Fido poo on the floor? A little rain
Category: Safety

Some of our greatest historical and artistic treasures we place in museums; others, we take for walks.-Roger Caras Walking a dog seems like a routine

Leash Burns? You Mean Free Hand Tattoos? I have used a variety of different leashes from nylon to retractable (grr) throughout my dog walking career.

A dog is coming at you full force off leash ready to attack. What do you do? Cry? Pee your pants a little? Run away?

Keeping your pets, family and home safe from fleas and ticks is best achieved through preventative measures and consistency. Spring is here and for most

The happiest dogs are the ones with their heads out the window of a speeding car in beautiful weather. Safety, comfort and reliability are what

Brr. Good luck opening up that poop bag… Extreme cold is a noticeable risk to keep in mind when walking dogs, but there are less